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I'm Kate

I'm an entrepreneur and have been a professional oil painter since 2011.

I am a contemporary impressionistic oil painter, capturing the feeling of your special day through my unique vision. My live event paintings portray your favorite moment from your wedding day using vibrant color and expressive brush marks. My work is heavily influenced by the time I spent in France studying the works of Cezanne and Van Gogh, painting the very same mountains and fields of flowers as they had many years ago. I work with first time art collectors as well as families that have been collecting for years, and I have paintings featured in homes across the United States and Europe.


 I began my journey as an artist when I was young. My mom encouraged me to pursue my passion and provided me with everything I needed to hone my skills. My mom was, and still is, my #1 fan. 

After receiving my BFA in Painting, I landed in Charlotte, where I met my business partner, Holt Cleaver. At the time, with no assignments, prompts or deadlines, I was lost as an artist. The realization that I knew very well how to paint, but I was suffering from an identity crisis. I channeled my energy into Holt School of Fine Art and found that educating others on how to make art was incredibly fulfilling. 

When my son Charlie began to develop a personality, walk, make friends, and I watched him start to learn and grow, I wanted to paint these little moments with him. I painted him running, hugging his best friend, and picking pumpkins. I felt so connected to what I was doing and began to capture moments for others. I connected to them through their stories about their spouses, children, parents, and pets. I have laughed and cried and empathized with people while creating so many paintings of their lives. 

I learned about live wedding painting while taking a workshop in France, and I knew it was meant to be.

I have always been told that I am the type to "paint out loud", since I love to have conversations with my studio mates while I am working. I enjoy the fact that I get to connect with wedding guests through conversation while I am working at live events.

Though it took some time for me to grow into the artist I am now, I feel so much more connected to myself and my community. I love being able to bring the same feeling of connection into the lives and homes of others through my art.


Welcome to my studio!


I am currently working out of my home-based studio in Charlotte, North Carolina.


In addition to painting, I am also Co-Owner at Holt School of Fine Art with Holt Cleaver where we teach art lessons to adults, teens, and children.


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All artwork is the sole property of Kate Stewart and is held under copyright

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